Today is looking like it will be the ideal summer day here in Minnesota. Low 80’s, clear blue sky, and hardly any wind - all my favorites. As I was getting ready for the day, I asked Alexa to play the Beach Boys because really, they go with the perfect summer day. “Surfin’ Safari” came on, which I “learned” the words to when I was very young (from an 8-track played on a console stereo…).

“Learned” is in quotes because I’ve come to realize how many of the lyrics I misunderstood as a kid. They “packed up the woody with the forks inside” (because clearly the woody must have been a picnic basket, not the car, so putting forks inside only makes sense. How else were those nice boys to eat their picnic lunch?!)
I believe I had a point I was going to make when I started down these thoughts, but I’ve become lost in the beauty of the day unfolding, sitting outside on the patio, listening to nostalgic songs, dreaming about picnic lunches and sunshine on my shoulders… Hey Alexa, play John Denver!